30 minute consultation - FREE
Herefordshire Counselling understands that therapy can feel like a daunting concept and therefore offers a free 30 minute consultation to help you decide if talking therapy is right for you right now.
This 30 minute consultation can be held online, face to face or on the phone. The aim of the consultation is to establish a working relationship and explore your needs as an individual.
Click here to book your free face to face consultation
Online Counselling £45
Online appointments are available to book Monday to Thursday at various times to suit your needs. Online appointments are held over Zoom and last for 50 minutes.
Herefordshire Counselling requires clients to to access and maintain a private, undisturbed environment for these appointments to take place. Online counselling requires an initial free consultation call/appointment.
Face-to-face Counselling at The Body Clinic Leominster £45
Face to face appointments are currently available from The Body Clinic Leominster, 17 West Street HR6 8EP on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. Each session lasts for 50 minutes.
Face to face counselling requires an initial free consultation call/appointment.
Click here to book your free face to face consultation
Concessions and discounts
Herefordshire Counselling offers discounts and concessionary rates. These include 10% reduction for NHS, blue light, military personnel and family members of military personnel.
Concessions also available for low income, students and individuals of retirement age. Discounts and concessions to be discussed and agreed on an individual basis at the point of consultation.
Herefordshire Counselling reviews appointment fees annually in April.
Get in Touch to book your free consultation today
Call/Text/Whatsapp: 07586837708
Email: herefordshirecounselling@gmail.com​